18 March 2011

Spring Fling

Winter and I had an unrequited love affair.  Winter loved and didn't want to leave me, but I was just not that into it.  Spring arrived today ever so briefly, but winter tried to mark its territory with its strong and gripping winds.  You know that kind of love; the kind that you try to pry yourself away from but you have trouble escaping its grip.

DVF top, Zara pants, Kate Spade shoes
But together my wardrobe and I broke free.  I wore a bright melon colored DVF top with Zara pants and (gasp) peep toed Kate Spade platforms from last summer.

Talbots jacket, Kenneth Jay Lane pin

I topped it off with a Talbots jacket and I really must give a shout out to Talbots.  Up until a year ago, I wouldn't have even set foot in the store.  But there's one close to my 'hood that's also right across the street from my office.  So inevitably I would pass it in my travels and at some point, there were a few things in the window that drew me in.  It has definitely stepped up its game and added many reasonably priced items that have become wardrobe staples for me.

Subversive for Target necklace, Rachel Zoe for QVC ring, bracelet from Skinner auction

I accessorized with a Subversive for Target necklace, Rachel Zoe for QVC ring and this gorgeous bracelet that is one of my latest and greatest jewelry acquisitions from the recent Skinner fine jewelry auction.