20 March 2011

Saturday Night In

Sometimes I love having a Saturday night at home to myself.  After a day of schlepping around the 'burbs to go to the likes of Target, Home Goods and TJ Maxx, I really appreciated the night in.

I so enjoy having fresh flowers, especially bright yellow ranunculus.  They are so happy and spring-like and they give me an extra pick me up.

The night in was spent whipping up an easy dinner (mozzarella and tomato and pasta with broccoli and chicken sausage), watching The Fighter (really good flick) and drinking some wine.

No matter how hard I try, I am not capable of sleeping in.  Having several hours to spare after a 6:30 AM wake up, I spent the wee hours of the morn using up some ripe bananas by making banana bread.  My butt whipping trainer was pleased to be the beneficiary of my morning's labor and I was greeted by the smell of fresh baked banana bread after my session at the gym.

Happy Sunday all!