04 March 2011

Champagne Tastes, Beer Pocketbook

Growing up, my mother always told me I had champagne tastes and a beer pocketbook.  My tastes still tend toward the champagne but luckily my pocketbook has to some extent caught up.  But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a bargain.  In that vein, I had the privilege of being invited to a spring preview yesterday for TJMaxx/Marshall's.  The spring preview was held at Woodward at the Ames Hotel and the ladies and gents of TJ Maxx couldn't have been more friendly or accommodating. 

The way everything was merchandised made us all want to snap everything up.  We were wishing that there was a cash register set up so we could take it all home with us.

I think if we did have the option to buy on sight, we would have all fought over the black and gold dress to the left in this picture.

How fabulous is this Marc Jacobs bag?

Marissa and Lani
I had the pleasure of running into Marissa of the Well Appointed Catwalk and of spending the afternoon with Lani of Mon Petit Chou Chou.  Check out Lani's blog for her post on the urban myth come to life of Louboutin's at TJ Maxx prices. 

Lani and I checked out the TJ Maxx in Downtown Crossing after the event and while we didn't buy anything, there were several fashionable items to be had.  A classic black Theory blazer would have been mine if only in my size and a super fantastic Prada bag could have found a home with me if not for my recent (but full priced) Miu Miu bag purchase. 

The moral of this story?  Champagne at beer prices is worth seeking out!