24 February 2011

It's a Good Day When...

DVF dress, Danskin leggings, Kate Spade shoes, Chanel necklace, Kenneth Jay Lane cuff

Do you ever have one of those days where you know based on something that happens early on what kind of day it will be?  Some days I trip over my own feet or slip on a patch of ice in the wee hours of the morn and it signals me that the day isn't going to go well.  But today started on a positive note.  My own personal peanut  gallery who greets me most days on my way to work was lurking in his usual spot this morning when I heard "Good morning Hollywood, you're shining today baby".  Then as I waited for my morning toast to be ready, a woman smiled at me and told me how much she loved my boots.  The boots are a long ago Kate Spade score from Marshalls.  The dress is DVF that I got on sale years ago  And the leggings are the best leggings to be had which are Danskin.  The day started well and ended well.  And now I'm that much closer to Friday and the weekend!